
Things I saw today

A door made of dark wooden panels, layered on top of each other in a manner similar to shingles, with a rams horn for the door handle at the U-Haul storage facility at 83rd St.

A mother walking hand in hand with her daughter. Both wearing very bright colors and with very elaborate hairdos.

A row if street lights on during the day across from a lacrosse game.

A tiny well laid out, homemade garden between the metra tracks and a soccer field.

A toilet sitting up against a fence in a parking lot full of abandoned semi trailers.

My favorite metra conductor greeting me in his usual jest; yelling "NO!" into the air and then sitting and sulking like a small child.

A small girl in a pink track suit looking out between the columns of the bridge onto a field if bright green grass.

A girl wearing sunglasses, a long sleeved denim jacket and a pair if bright purple spandex booty shorts.

6 different groups of people having picnics in the agora sculpture.

A large man sitting on the steps of the potbelly on Roosevelt with two tiny and painstakingly groomed dogs with bows in their hair.

The dead body of a squirrel in a garden next to a church and school with flowers placed around it.

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